Born in Buenos Aires, pro since 1984, for two consecutive years (’91 and ’92) finished in the top 20 in the order of merit of the South American Tour. Pro in Italy since 1992, taught at Golf Varese for 8 years and in 2001 arrived at Bogogno and founded the Bogogno Golf School. In 2008, he projected and founded San Siro Golf, driving range in center of Milan.
Born in Italy, 1979; player of the National Amateur Championship from 1994 to 2000, participates to the World Cup in 1997, professional instructor since 1999; from 2000 to 2001 at Golf Pavia; part of the Bogogno coaching team since 2001. Coordinator of the BOGOGNO JUNIOR SCHOOL. Flightscope Certified.
Born in Italy in 1968; professional since 1994; was the official coach of Jan Francois Remesy in the European Tour from 1997 to 2006, teaches at the Bogogno Golf Resort since 1997.